

The Helix API methods that deal with moderation.


Can be accessed using client.helix.moderation on an ApiClient instance.


const api = new ApiClient(new StaticAuthProvider(clientId, accessToken));
const { data: users } = await api.helix.moderation.getBannedUsers('61369223');


checkUserBan(channel, user)


Checks whether a given user is banned in a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to check for a ban of the given user.

user UserIdResolvable none

The user to check for a ban in the given channel.

Return type: boolean

checkUserMod(channel, user)


Checks whether a given user is a moderator of a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to check.

user UserIdResolvable none

The user to check.

Return type: boolean

getBanEvents(channel, filter)


Retrieves a list of ban events for a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the ban events from.

filter HelixBanFilter none

Additional filters for the result set.


Creates a paginator for ban events for a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the ban events from.

Return type: HelixPaginatedRequest<HelixBanEventData, HelixBanEvent>

getBannedUsers(channel, filter)


Retrieves a list of banned users in a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the banned users from.

filter HelixBanFilter none

Additional filters for the result set.


Creates a paginator for banned users in a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the banned users from.

Return type: HelixPaginatedRequest<HelixBanData, HelixBan>

getModeratorEvents(channel, filter)


Retrieves a list of moderator events for a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the moderator events from.

filter HelixModeratorFilter none

Additional filters for the result set.


Creates a paginator for moderator events for a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve the moderator events from.

Return type: HelixPaginatedRequest<HelixModeratorEventData, HelixModeratorEvent>

getModerators(channel, filter)


Retrieves a list of moderators in a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve moderators from.

filter HelixModeratorFilter none

Additional filters for the result set.


Creates a paginator for moderators in a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to retrieve moderators from.

Return type: HelixPaginatedRequest<HelixModeratorData, HelixModerator>