

The API methods that deal with users.


Can be accessed using client.kraken.users on an ApiClient instance.


const api = new ApiClient(new StaticAuthProvider(clientId, accessToken));
const user = await api.kraken.users.getUser('125328655');


blockUser(user, userToBlock)


Blocks a given user with another given user.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to block with.

userToBlock UserIdResolvable none

The user to block.

Return type: UserBlock

followChannel(user, channel, notifications)


Follows a given channel with a given user.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to follow with.

channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to follow.

notifications boolean none

Whether the user will receive notifications.

Return type: UserFollow

getBlockedUsers(user, page, limit)


Retrieves a list of users a given user has blocked.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to retrieve the block list of.

page number none

The result page you want to retrieve.

limit number 25

The number of results you want to retrieve.

Return type: Array<UserBlock>



Retrieves information about the user's chat appearance and privileges.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to get chat info for.

Return type: UserChatInfo

getFollowedChannel(user, channel)


Get follow data for a given user to a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to retrieve follow data of.

channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel you want to retrieve follow data to.

Return type: UserFollow | null

getFollowedChannels(user, page, limit, orderBy, orderDirection)


Get a list of channels a given user follows.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to retrieve the follows of.

page number none

The result page you want to retrieve.

limit number 25

The number of results you want to retrieve.

orderBy string none

The field to order by.

orderDirection "asc" | "desc" none

The direction to order in - ascending or descending.

Return type: Array<UserFollow>



Retrieves the user data of the currently authenticated user.

Return type: PrivilegedUser

getSubscriptionData(user, toChannel)


Retrieves the subscription data for a given user to a given channel.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user to retrieve the subscription data of.

toChannel UserIdResolvable none

The channel you want to retrieve the subscription data to.

Return type: UserSubscription | null



Retrieves the user data for the given user ID.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
userId UserIdResolvable none

The user ID you want to look up.

Return type: User



Retrieves the user data for the given user name.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
userName string none

The user name you want to look up.

Return type: User | null



Retrieves the emotes a given user can use.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to get emotes for.

Return type: EmoteSetList



Retrieves the user data for the given user names.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
userNames Array<string> none

The user names you want to look up.

Return type: Record<string, User>

unblockUser(user, userToUnblock)


Unblocks a given user with another given user.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to unblock with.

userToUnblock UserIdResolvable none

The user to unblock.

Return type: void

unfollowChannel(user, channel)


Unfollows a given channel with a given user.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
user UserIdResolvable none

The user you want to unfollow with.

channel UserIdResolvable none

The channel to unfollow.

Return type: void